Berlin - January 21- 23, 2013 - During the 8th HiPEAC Conference, the DeSyre consortium is well represented with the following activities:
On Monday, Jan 21 at 11:30, Dimitrios Skarlatos, Polyvios Pratikakis, and Dionisios Pnevmatikatos (FORTH, Greece) present "Towards Reliable Task Parallel Programs", at the 5th Workshop on Design for Reliability.
In this talk, the authors present a mechanism for fault-tolerance in task-parallel programs that can recover from transient errors during task execution within a single core, as well as from permanent errors that disable a worker core. The fault-tolerance mechanism incurs a performance overhead of 7.93% on average, and only a negligible space overhead. When testing the system for varying probabilities of transient or permanent errors, the authors found that the overall performance is consistently better than expected. During the presentation, the authors will outline the mechanisms implemented and provide an explanation of the better-than-expected results.
On Tuesday, Jan 22, Inès Nijman (Recore Systems) is available at the Industry Exhibit to talk about the DeSyRE approach for reliable multi-core SoC solutions.
On Wednesday, Jan 23, Ioannis Sourdis (Chalmers University, Sweden) presents a poster on DeSyRe during the poster session on EU projects.
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